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Margaret Supple Lynell

Birth Place: San Francisco
Pioneer Father: David Supple
Birth Place: Ireland
Date of Arrival in California: 1848
Pioneer Mother: Annie Maloney
Birth Place: Ireland
Date of Arrival in California: 1848
Dec 24, 1864

Remarks: My father and mother came to California from Sydney Australia I have forgotten the name of the ship  My father was the first-mate and arrived the first time in 1848 and the second time in 1851. He died in San Francisco Feb. 1891. My brother and I were both born in this city but I am the only living member of the family.

Dora K. Crittenden

Birth Place: Geneva, N.Y.
Pioneer Father: John Scott
Birth Place: Kingwood, N.J.
Date of Arrival in California: did not come
Pioneer Mother: Pamela Lambert
Birth Place: Lambertsville, N.J.
Date of Arrival in California: did not come

Remarks: Landed in San Francisco October 17, 1853. Married to Charles P. Crittenden the day I landed. I came by the Isthmus of Panama and was four weeks on my way on the Atlantic side on the Steamer Illinois, on the Pacific side on the J. L. Stevens, Captain Pierson. I was married in a Cottage at what is now and was then Hardy Place. The spot on which the Cottage stood is now within the entrance just off of Kearney St. to Nathan and Dohrmans large store on Sutter St. I have four children living all of whom are native sons and daughters. Joseph L. Crittenden, Mary L. Crittenden, Mrs. Helen C. Loveland, and George B. Crittenden. I joined the Association of Pioneer Women of California on September the fourth (Sept. 4) 1900, at the meeting held in the parlor of hotel St. Nicholas.

Alice A. Dongel

Birth Place: Philadelphia, March 30, 1824
Pioneer Father: Joseph Bostow
Birth Place: England
Date of Arrival in California: Did not come
Pioneer Mother: Alice C. Bostow 
Birth Place: London
Date of Arrival in California: June 8th 1861

Remarks: Married by Bishop Allemany Jan 22nd 1853. Came round [sic] Cape Horn, left New York Cristmas [sic] 1850.

Emily Tallulah Zabriski

Birth Place: Sacramento
Pioneer Father: James C. Zabriski
Birth Place: New Jersey
Date of Arrival in California: — 
Pioneer Mother: Mary M. Hancock
Birth Place: Philadelphia
Date of Arrival in California: —

Remarks:  Miss Zabriski died June 10, 1928. My father died in this city July 10, 1885 after a long residence in California of thirty-six years. He arrived on the Steamer Constellation. My mother attended the first fair ever held in this state. She saw the first loaf of bread made of California flour and also the first cultivated rose.

Emma Buxton Gray

Birth Place:Boston Mass.
Pioneer Father: George Buxton
Birth Place: Milford, N.H.
Date of Arrival in California: Apr 2, 1850
Pioneer Mother: Nancy E. Buxton
Birth Place: Vermont
Date of Arrival in California: Dec 21 1854, via Isthmus of Panama

Remarks:  Mr. Buxton died in this city October 23, 1878. Mrs. Buxton died at Riverside May 22, 1899.

Sarah F. Gummer

Birth Place: Salem, Ohio
Pioneer Father: Michael Laner
Birth Place: Penn.
Date of Arrival in California: Nov 1849
Pioneer Mother: Elizabeth Baer
Birth Place: Ohio
Date of Arrival in California: —
died in Missouri

Remarks: Came with an ox train ‘cross the Plains  arrived in Santa Clara Valley in Nov. 1849 with my father and stepmother. Married Samuel P. Gummer May 25, 1856 at San Jose, California, and who died in San Francisco, California September 11, 1891. Three brothers and two sisters accompanied me to California. Am the mother of ten children, seven of whom are living. Am the grandmother of two children living.

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